KBC Apartments of Seymour,LLC

About US
Reasons to Rent
Statement of Qualifying Criteria
Apartment 1
Apartment 2
Apartment 3
Apartment 4
Rules and Regulations
Authorization Release
Online Rental Application
Our Location
Contact Us



Call for appointment and to check on availability of units.

 KBC Apartment of Seymour,LLC was formed in 2011 and is located in Seymour, Indiana.

KBC Apartments of Seymour are located at 937 E. 4th Street  in Seymour, Indiana.  The buiding consist of four units.  Each unit includes two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen and living room and washer-dryer ups.
  KBC Apartments of Seymour are located close to major shopping centers, Cummins factory and Eastside Industrial Park.

Office hours are Monday - Friday. 9:00 am  to 5:00pm
                              Saturday - Sunday -  1:00pm to 5:00 pm
                              Call during regular hours to make an appointment
                              to view the apartments. Appointments can be made
                              so that you can view the apartment during off hours.

To all renter: Remember to keep items away from the heaters espically during the winter. Also when the weather is below freezing  please leave the water dripping and the cabinet doors in front of any water pipes ajar to prevent the water lines from freezing.

    Thank you for your interest in renting from KBC Apartments of Seymour.  If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please fill out the rental application and mail to P. O. Box 594 Seymour, In. or apply online or call for an appointment to view the apartment. Filling out the application and paying for the background check does not guarantee  an apartment.



The Yellow Dog Project

Please get in touch to offer comments !

You can e-mail us at:

    Phone: (812) 525-9281  between 9:00am and 5:00 pm Monday - Saturday
                                                       1:00 pm and 5:00 pm on Sundays

KBC Apartments of Seymour,LLC -Located at 937 E. 4th Street , Seymour, Indiana 47274
Mailing address: KBC Apartments of Seymour,LLC. - P.O.Box 594, Seymour, Indiana 47274
Phone  1(812) 525-9281

Copyright @ 2014 by KBC Apartments os Seymour,LLC
 All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce any portion of this web site in any form whatsoever.  Renter's  form and applications  only may be copied and sent back to the KBC Apartments of Seymour,LLC address.